SEO Services Auckland, New Zealand
If you're searching for SEO services for your city, a region that you're in, for your country, or even globally. What should you be thinking about when you're hiring for SEO and what do you need to know?
At Team Empathy, we've identified the 3 key growth levers that when pulled essentially guarantee the first page rankings on Google and for the majority of the time guaranteed the top 3 position on Google. This is really, really important because the first three organic positions on Google will net you about 75% of all the clicks. It's really important that you understand what these three key growth levers are, because this is what's going to help you get the growth that you need and this is why you're searching for local SEO services in Auckland or New Zealand. Don't worry, wherever you're coming from.
Lever #1: Google Business Profile (GBP)
So the first one is Google Business Profile optimisation. Let me give you an example of what this looks like: skip bin hire Auckland. If you're searching for rubbish collection in Auckland, chances are, you're going to search for a skip bin, so you can fill up your rubbish in your residential property in Auckland. This gets searched about a thousand times per month, and once you see the results, you can see the map pack on the top of the results. And here you can see that Pink Bins Auckland ranks at the top with 128 reviews and 4.8 stars, which is way better than their competitors. You can see here how much more powerful it is to have rankings in the map box.
If you're a local business, this is essentially the quickest and fastest way to get traffic to your website from highly intent, different people looking to purchase your thing and looking for your product or service because they need your help.
This is a client of mine: Pink Bins and we’ve gotten them to the top of Google Business Profile really quickly. They also rank in the second position organically, so they're getting hundreds of clicks per month and earning thousands of dollars per month just because of this ranking and the social proof that they have.
So when it comes to online growth, the key lever #1 is Google Business Profile optimisation. When you're searching for SEO services in Auckland or New Zealand, you need to find somebody who knows how to optimise your Google Business Profile. If you do not have a Google Business Profile account yet, just type in Google Business Profile and create one. This is one of the most important things. So when you're talking about local SEO services to one of the people that you're thinking of hiring make sure they know how to optimise a Google Business Profile.
Optimising Google Business Profile (GBP)
Another example of mine: Car Wash & Detailing. When you optimise a Google Business Profile, you need to make sure that you have your title optimised and has:
Your name
What do you do
Where you work
You primary category
Additional categories.
Then you need to make sure all your information is optimised. First, you need to make sure you have geo-tagged and keyboard-tagged photos. You can use different tools. I use a tool called GeoSetter, which helps me to geo-tag and keyword-tag all my photos.
You also need to make sure you've added products and services and you need to make sure you're posting here regularly, and you're getting reviews regularly as well. That's the most important thing for local SEO and it's one of the things that you should be asking for when you're checking out SEO services in New Zealand or Auckland in particular.
Lever #2: Website Optimisation
The second lever for SEO growth is website optimisation or on-page SEO.
So, the first key growth lever was Google Business Profile, which solves your local SEO problem - helps you rank better in your area.
Now we're moving on to website optimisation, which is on-page SEO, which solves your technical website problems and helps Google crawl your website and understand exactly what you're doing.
So a good SEO agency will do incredible on-page SEO for you.
Here at Team Empathy, we map all of your pages, the keywords that you want to rank for, find your existing meta titles, your descriptions, and your header tags, which are all technical SEO things. Once this is all done, we suggest what the best titles, descriptions, and header tags should be. This way, when Google goes through your website and crawls it, it does it right and reads all these things on every page: your title, your description, and your header tags. This is what your page is about and then it will rank you for that if you have enough information and if you're helpful enough.
We actually go through and we help optimise all that information for you. And then we give you suggestions for content for every single page saying “Hey, we should add this much content per page with these keywords, organically written, delivering proper value because this is going to help people”.
Later on, we optimise your images, making sure they're all properly keyword tagged, this way helping:
people who can't see and they're having it read to them
Google, which also can't see when it's crawling your website, but it can read the article and tags to understand what's going on.
Working with on-page SEO, we also make sure all your errors are solved as well. There are lots of speed issues, 404 errors, and a whole bunch of technical stuff that needs to be fixed, so your website is perfect. You need to have a very clean and clear website for Google to understand what you're doing, which is what will help you rank for SEO.
This is the second key growth lever: when your website is optimised, Google can really quickly understand what's going on and you'll immediately see a jump in your rankings.
Lever #3: Content plan, Backlink plan, and Implementation
The last key growth lever, when you're looking for SEO services should be a content plan, a backlink plan, and implementation. This is the ongoing work that's done to ensure that your rankings increase over time.
I'll give you an example of Pink Bins since we have discussed them already and they have consistent backlinks. No other SEO agency generally shows you the backlinks because it's their IP and sometimes this happens because they're doing things that are slightly cheap or shady. We do everything super white hat, super transparent, and you can just see all the backlinks that we create for you.
What are backlinks?
Backlinks are links from other websites that point to yours. So for example, Gamer launch is sending a link to Pink Bins and it's talking about green bins in Auckland. One thing to consider when creating backlinks is the domain authority number: the higher the domain authority is, the more trust that link has, the more value Google gives to it, and the higher ranking. You also want to have a mix of different link types as well.
I won't get into detail now, but suffice to say that this third key growth lever is all about consistency. You need to have a backlink plan, which is how many backlinks are you going to add each month,
where are you going to get them from and what type of backlinks will they be, and then make sure you actually do them.
Content Plan
You also need to have a content plan, which means you're talking about the keywords that you want to be ranking for within different topics or ideas that you had. Generally, you might have three topic clusters that you focus on. So for Pink Bins, that's their skip bin hires, heavy bags, and general rubbish as well as all the information around that. What we do here is we write blogs based on all these different things and that's providing useful content for people to read as well as ranking your website really well.
So those are the 3 key levers. If you're looking for local SEO services in Auckland or New Zealand, make sure this person or agency can:
optimise Google Business Profile
optimise your website
create a content and backlink strategy for you.
It’s also important to decide whether it's them who write the content for you, or you write the content yourself. When it comes to backlinks, pretty much everything has to be done by the agency because it's quite technical and it relies on your networks and work, and the process takes years and years to develop. So that's probably the only thing you'd need an SEO agency for.
And if you want to DIY everything, we've got an amazing thing called an SEO checklist, which covers the eight essential steps you need to get ranking. Just click here and grab that. It covers all these three key growth areas, plus a few other bits and pieces.
It’s really important to make sure that you can get all these things sorted if you're going for DIY.
Of course, if you'd like help from us, we either get everything sorted for you for 3 grand (we cover all those three key growth areas, plus some other bits and pieces, essentially setting up your foundations for sustainable growth and success), or you just jump on board to a $1,500 per month subscription and you get started with us.
Team Empathy SEO Services Auckland, New Zealand
The big key difference when working with us and not any other SEO agency is the simple subscription. You cancel anytime. We're all about creating amazing relationships and we're super transparent, so if it's not working for you, you can always leave. Of course, it can take 3, 6, 12 months to get results. But hey, if you're unhappy, you can leave and you should be able to leave. So that's one of our key differences.
The other two differences are that we actually genuinely care about you and your business, your brand, you, your lifestyle, your family, and what you actually like to achieve in life. I am a business owner, a business growth coach, and I like helping coach people so they can achieve what they'd like to achieve there with their businesses.
The last difference is that we go above and beyond. You can probably see: most SEO agencies don't share or show this kind of information. You generally get an automated report each month. We go above and beyond, send you a video, show up to you, and actually give you advice, not just about SEO, but about all your marketing as well, because my background is in growth marketing. I've spent six years in this space. I've already started to scout and eventually sold a business. So I know how marketing works. I’ll give you that advice on a monthly basis alongside your SEO. So if you're looking for SEO services in Auckland, New Zealand, have a chat with us. We have consultation calls and you can book a call with me anytime you'd like: I would be more than happy to see what's going on with your website, growth, marketing, and your business in general and what you would like to achieve in the world. I can either help you do that, or I can suddenly refer you to someone who can help you.
So if that's your vibe, then get in touch and I'll speak to you soon.